Ragtime Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But the boy's eyes saw only the tracks made by the skaters, traces quickly erased of moments past, journeys taken. (15.7)

Little Boy is keenly aware of time, and the way we are constantly traveling forward through it. Every moment is a moment we're creating history, as well as leaving impressions of ourselves for those who come after us.

Quote #5

After work he'd walk with her for an hour through the dark streets. She became thoughtful. She held her shoulders straight and walked like a woman. He was torturing himself anticipating her maturity. (16.1)

Here Doctorow shows the passage of time and its effects on Little Girl, who is becoming a woman—much to the worry of Tateh. He is also concerned for the future, if her difficult life will make it hard for her to accept a husband when the time comes.

Quote #6

Standing next to the proprietor he held the book at arm's length and expertly flipped the pages. The little girl skated forward and skated away, did a figure eight, came back, went into a pirouette and made a graceful bow. (17.7)

What Tateh has created with his movie book is a way to trap time. Rather than losing a moment as soon as it's happened, the book lets us see that moment of time, that skater, over and over. It's magic, and it foresees the moviemaking business and why even today movies are magical to us. They trap a moment of time forever.