Rainbows End Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"The Scoochis have always been eclectic. Now that they have a librareome, they're building game consensus down to fine-grained topic levels, often down to individual paragraphs. It's much more subtle than the Hacek stuff, though children pick up on it very quickly. Their real power is that Scoochis can blend realities. That's what's happened with them and the Hacekeans. The Scoochis come from all over, even from the failed states. Now they're feeding the digitizations back outwards. Wherever it fits, the Hacek people are running things. Other places, other visions—but all with access to the entire body of the library." (Epilogue.41)

Here's the awesome result of the library riot: both belief circles—the Scoochis and the Hacekians—are now working together. We'll be honest, this paragraph kind of confuses us: on one hand, Rivera says, "they're building game consensus," which makes it sound like everyone is agreeing on what they're seeing. But then he adds "Other places, other visions" which, well, doesn't sound like consensus. Like we said, we're not entirely sure how this is working, but we can say that the Scoochis and the Hacekians seem to have formed one big community here.