Rainbows End Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I suppose the best evidence the cops think you're innocent is that they let you return to India."

"Indeed so, though sometimes I wonder if I'm not just a fish on a very long line." (35.6-7)

Sure, Miri is manipulated into contacting Sharif, but she's also interested in manipulating Sharif. Sharif is one of the few people (along with Alice and Bob, maybe) who isn't doing any manipulating of his own. But at least at this end point, Sharif realizes that, even if he's innocent, he might be part of a larger manipulation. (Which is probably true: remember, when Bob interviews Robert after the whole mess, Eve Mallory comments that they want Robert running loose (33.29)—probably so that he can be contacted by someone they actually want to catch.)