Rainbows End Old Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The vocational program was not the gem of Fairmont High. Most of these kids could not master the latest, cutting-edge applications (and most of the retread students were even less competent). On the other hand, Chumlig had asserted in an unguarded moment that parents preferred the vocational demos, mainly because they made more sense to them than what other children were doing. (33.73)

Here we have another reason to play DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince's classic, "Parents Just Don't Understand." Even with all that great medical technology, the cutting edge kids (like Miri) can do things that oldsters (even middle-aged oldsters) just don't understand. Which raises lots of questions, like, how do teachers grade students if they can't understand them?