Rainbows End Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"The British Museum and Library, as digitized and databased by the Chinese Informagical Coalition. The haptics and artifact data are lo-res, to make it all fit on one data card. But the library section is twenty times as big as what Max Huertas sucked out of UCSD. Leaving aside things that never got into a library, that's essentially the record of humanity up through 2000. The whole pre-modern world."

Robert hefted the plastic card. "It doesn't seem like very much." (34.63-4)

If you've ever spent all day writing a paper and then looked at how small the file size is then you'll know this weird feeling: how you can fit so much work into such a tiny technological space. Thanks to digitization and miniaturization, Tommie Parker can give the entire British Library and Museum to Robert Gu—on a little memory card.