The Red and the Black Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Really, he's my husband […] If I make a good-faith return to believing in wisdom and honor, obviously it's him I ought to marry." (2.25.38)

Once Mathilde has had sex with Julien Sorel, she believes that she is his wife in the eyes of God. So they might as well make it official with a real wedding. Mathilde knows that her father is going to disapprove, but she's willing to risk his anger in order to make good on her commitments.

Quote #8

"Your honor is protected: I'm your husband. This truly major step will change everything, for both of us. I too am within my rights." (2.32.25)

It doesn't take much convincing for Julien to agree to marry Mathilde. He knows that the marriage will give him all the status and power he could ever dream of. Oh yeah, and he's pretty fond of Mathilde, too.

Quote #9

"It's only true on the surface […] She's my wife, but she's not my beloved…" (2.43.21)

When he meets with Madame de Rênal following his conviction, Julien tells her that in his heart, she is his one true beloved. He admits that he has agreed to marry Mathilde, but insists that she's not the one he loves.