The Red and the Black Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

His imperturbable demeanor, his severe and almost malicious eyes, his pallor, and his invariable calm coolness began to frame his reputation. (2.35.11)

When Julien joins the army as a high-ranking officer, he is quick to get the admiration of his men. This is because he has always had the kind of pride you would only expect from someone who's been powerful his entire life. That's why it's so easy for Julien to look the part. As far as pride goes, he's always had the attitude of a nobleman.

Quote #11

Had she been less in fashion, they might almost have said that her way of talking was a bit overcolored to be true feminine delicacy. (2.11.9)

Mathilde likes to tell it like it is, mainly because she's bored with all the prim and proper mannerisms of high society. If she weren't so powerful, more people would probably talk about how un-feminine she is. After all, the people of 19th-century France weren't big fans of women who spoke their minds.