Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory
Some fantasy novels, like Harry Potter, are set in different versions of our own world. Some, like A Game of Thrones, are set in completely different worlds. Revenge of the Witch is an example of t...
Narrator Point of View
The Spook's apprentice, Tom Ward, narrates the book for us. And, as we find out at the end, he's actually been writing it all down for us. So Revenge of the Witch is kind of like Tom's diary. In an...
If the creepy, cross-hatched illustrations didn't you tip off, we'll tell it to you straight: this is one scary book. It spares no gory detail when describing the horrors Tom has to face. Being bur...
What's Up With the Title?
Even if you never read a page of Revenge of the Witch, you'd be able to grasp the basic plot of the book from its title: a witch gets revenge. But which witch wants revenge, and for what? Well, for...
What's Up With the Ending?
In the U.S., this book may be part of the Last Apprentice series, but it's hardly the last book. As of May 2013, there are a whopping twelve books in the series, plus two companion books. Jose...
Tom has it pretty hard: he has to stay in haunted houses, beat witches to death with sticks, rescue kidnapped children, and sometimes survive on a diet of hard bread and dry cheese. At least he doe...