Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Duty Quotes
"For nearly sixty years he's walked the County lines doing his duty. Doing what has to be done. Soon it'll be your turn. And if you won't do it, then who will? Who'll look after the ordinary folk?"...
Isolation Quotes
"The only friends you'll have are the ones you buy!" (1.42)
Fear Quotes
It was a scary job. I was going to learn how to protect farms and villages from things that go bump in the night. (1.11)
Rules and Order Quotes
"There are three important things to remember. Don't open the front door to anyone, no matter how they knock, and don't be late going down to the cellar. [...] Whatever else you do, don't let [the...
Courage Quotes
I quite liked the idea of being a spook; it was much more interesting than milking cows and spreading manure. (1.10)
Family Quotes
The first rule of farming is to keep the farm together. You can't just divide it up among your children; it would get smaller and smaller with each generation until there was nothing left. (1.6)
The Supernatural Quotes
Dealing with ghouls, boggarts, and all manner of wicked beasties would be all in a day's work. (1.11)
Women and Femininity Quotes
"Some pretty women can't be trusted." (4.5)