Thomas J. Ward Timeline & Summary


Thomas J. Ward Timeline & Summary

  • The Spook takes Tom Ward on a trial run. If he succeeds, Tom's to train to be the Spook's witch-fighting apprentice.
  • The first trial: spending the night in a haunted house.
  • Tom survives, and gets to live with the Spook for a while.
  • One day, as Tom is returning from grocery shopping, he's bullied by some thugs in town.
  • Alice, a girl in pointy shoes, scares them away. She asks Tom for a favor: to deliver three cakes to Mother Malkin, a witch buried on the Spook's property.
  • Tom delivers two of the cakes, and Mother Malkin breaks free.
  • Taking responsibility for what he's done, Tom tracks down Mother Malkin and kills her.
  • Alice's aunt, Bony Lizzie, tries to take revenge and kill Tom, but he and Alice escape together.
  • The Spook tells Tom to take Alice home to his mam.
  • At Tom's farm, Mother Malkin, back from the dead, possesses the pig butcher. She tries to kill Tom.
  • With Alice's help, Tom drives Mother Malkin from the butcher's body. Mother Malkin is devoured by pigs.
  • Tom and Alice feel like BFFs now. That happens when you kill an evil witch together.
  • Although the Spook recommends that they bury Alice in a pit, Tom decides to take Alice to her aunt's house. He thinks she might be okay after all.
  • When he leaves Alice behind, he instantly feels lonely. It's a lonely life, being the Spook's apprentice.