Rhinoceros Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

BERENGER: That’s very true…it seems to mount from my stomach. (1.1.393-395)

Again, Berenger doesn’t seem overly concerned with his state. But this is the moment when he at least starts to realize that alcohol has come to affect every aspect of his life.

Quote #5

JEAN: Put the glass on the table! You’re not to drink it. (1.1.468)

It’s hard to know if Jean is practicing some tough love here with Berenger or if he’s just acting all superior. In the end, we discover that Jean was not quite the happy, perfect guy he led on to believe (you know, when he turns rhino), so this might be more of a chance for Jean to demonstrate his superiority than a chance to actually help his friend.

Quote #6

BERENGER: I don’t like the taste of alcohol much. And yet if I don’t drink, I’m done for. It’s as if I’m frightened, and so I drink not to be frightened anymore. (1.497-499)

First symptom of an alcoholic: the words that just came out of Berenger’s mouth. The whole fear thing means he pretty much functions like an alcoholic—but wait! There could be a little more to it than just that. After all, why’s he so frightened? Maybe Berenger has a sense that something just isn’t quite right. He doesn’t know of what, but he knows he’s scared. His fears prove to be pretty well founded just a few minutes after this exchange.