Rhinoceros Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #7

BERENGER: I’m conscious of my body all the time, as if it were made of lead, or as if I were carrying another man on my back […]Then, as soon as I drink, the lead slips away. (1.1.508-512)

Again, Berenger justifies his drinking. He also starts to realize how heavy he feels all the time (not rhino heavy, but still), and he starts to believe that change is necessary. Pretty soon, he’ll be agreeing to turn his life around. He talks himself out of all that, but for a few minutes he really looks like he wants to make some changes.

Quote #8

JEAN: I have moral strength. I’m also strong because I’m not riddled with alcohol. (1.1.522-523)

At this point, it might seem like Jean is right about everything, even if he is kind of smug about it all. However, as the play progresses, we see that Berenger is actually the only one strong enough to stand by his convictions.

Quote #9

JEAN: Cut down your drinking. This is the way to come out: wear a hat, a tie like this, a well-cut suit, shoes well polished.

Jean’s advice about Berenger’s drinking and other problems is simple: act more like me, and you’ll be better off. This is the first time Berenger is faced with the idea of conforming in the play.