Rhinoceros Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

PAPILLON: It’s all the management’s fault. (2.1.435)

This little blame game here is a gem. In the office, Mr. Papillon is in charge, but he still answers to the upper management, so it must be their fault. Like Botard blaming those who stand higher than him on the corporate ladder, Papillon is willing to do the same.

Quote #5

BOTARD: You can’t fool me. I’ll let you know the purposes and the meaning of the whole plot! I’ll unmask the perpetrators! (2.1.574)

This is Botard in his true tin-foil hat conspiracy theory moment. He knows exactly who to blame, and he will tell everyone who that someone is. But he’ll get to it at a later time. It’s not that he doesn’t know, it’s just that now is not the right time to tell everyone. It couldn’t be that he, like everyone else, has absolutely no idea what is happening, right?

Quote #6

DUDARD: If anyone breaks a leg, it will be the management’s responsibility. (2.1.605-606)

Even good old Dudard can’t help but pass the buck to the management. That’s not to say that management shouldn’t be blamed for certain things, but everybody in the office is willing to blame them and hold them responsible for everything. That’s one convenient scapegoat!