Rhinoceros Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #7

BERENGER: But I would like to say how sorry I am for being so insistent […] I acted stupidly. (2.2.76-78)

Berenger acts like the bigger man here and comes to apologize to Jean for the argument they had back at the café. Jean basically just calls him stupid again, and then it’s rhino time. Just keep in mind that Berenger, at this point, blames himself for the quarrel with Jean, which only makes him blame himself when Jean turns into a rhinoceros.

Quote #8

BERENGER: He was the last person I’d have expected to change like that. I felt more sure of him than myself! And then to do that to me! (3.1108-110)

We all know those people who have the infuriating ability to make everything about themselves. Which is kind of what Berenger does here. He blames Jean for doing something directly to him, as if Jean’s transformation was all about Berenger.

Quote #9

BERENGER: You should have been firmer with him, you should have insisted; he was in love with you, wasn’t he? (3.1.813-814)

This time around, when someone transforms, Berenger blames Daisy for a change. He still can’t fully grasp that once people have made up their minds to join the herd, there is almost nothing that can be done to stop them. It’s still gotta be a human’s fault.