Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"In 1967 I got him a new rock-hammer-the one I'd gotten him nineteen years ago had plumb worn out. Nineteen years!" (312)

Red goes out of his way to buy him a new rock hammer. Real friendship means helping your buddy tunnel out of prison.

Quote #5

"'You know, Red,' he said in an offhand voice, 'a place like that I'd have to have a man who knows how to get things.' " (370)

Here's that subtlety we've been talking about again. Andy doesn't come out and say "I really want you at my hotel, buddy," he just says he needs a man who knows how to get things. Red knows what he means and who he's talking about, and they don't have to say anything more. Quiet, understated, and really heartfelt.

Quote #6

"Andy was the part of me they could never lock up, the part of me that will rejoice when the gates finally open for me and I walk out in my cheap suit with my twenty dollars of mad-money in my pocket." (504)

This quote tells us that Andy and Red are basically BFFs. #jealous.