Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I began to think about stealing some money or shoplifting stuff from the FoodWay, anything, to get back in where it was quiet and you knew everything that was going to come up in the course of the day. If I had never known Andy, I probably would have done that." (515-516)

Again, we see just how much Andy means to Red. It's a simple statement—but we definitely see the mountains of feeling behind it.

Quote #8

"And if I did find the right one, I might never know it. Because I might overlook that black piece of volcanic glass, or, much more likely, Andy put it into his pocket and took it with him." (517)

Red's pretty paranoid about getting caught when he finds Andy's note. He worries over this while looking for the volcanic glass, just like Andy worried about whether the key would still be there before he got out. The two friends seem to be going on a parallel journey here.

Quote #9

"It was an envelope, carefully wrapped in a plastic bag to keep away the damp. My name was written across the front in Andy's clear script." (523)

We said somewhere earlier that real friendship means helping you tunnel out of prison. Scratch that. Real friendship means leaving a note that anyone could find and assuming that your buddy is somehow going to get to it.