Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Injustice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"'Terrible accident Dufresne, prisoner 81433-SHNK, was taking a couple of empties down and slipped on the ladder. Too bad.'" (159)

Wow, the guards too? Andy almost gets thrown off a roof for asking a question! More importantly, Hadley seems to treat it pretty casually. Is it something he does regularly? Yikes!

Quote #5

"'The people who run this place are stupid, brutal monsters for the most part. The people who run the straight world are brutal and monstrous, but they happen not to be quite as stupid, because the standard of competence out there is a little higher. Not much, but a little.'" (208)

King spells it out in pretty bleak terms: there's no justice in the world, just stupid monsters and smart monsters. He would know—he is the Master or Horror, after all.

Quote #6

"'But I don't push the pills. I don't bring them in, and I don't sell them once they are in. Mostly it's the screws who do that.'" (210)

Wait, hang on, the guards are dealing drugs? Why aren't they in prison too? That's just not ri- oh, King is making a point. Got it.