Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Injustice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"'You used to think that you were better than anyone else. I have gotten pretty good at seeing that on a man's face. I marked it on yours the first time I walked into the library. It might as well have been written on your forehead in capital letters. That look is gone now, and I like that just fine. It is not just that you are a useful vessel, never think that. It is simply that men like you need to learn humility.'" (309)

Warden Norton comes right out and says that Andy's punishment has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. He just doesn't like the look on Andy's face. Way to do your job, Norton.

Quote #8

"'I didn't kill Glenn Quentin and I didn't kill my wife, and that hotel it's not too much to want.'" (369)

Andy spells out what escape and running the hotel mean to him. He defines both the injustice (he's in Shawshank for something he didn't do) and the justice that will balance it out (he will escape and run a nice hotel.).

Quote #9

"Three months after that memorable day, Warden Norton resigned. He was a broken man, it gives me great pleasure to report. The spring was gone from his step." (457)

It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Just kidding. This passage shows that justice does happen sometimes, to balance out all the injustice.