Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Secrets Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Rita is dressed-sort of-in a bathing suit, one hand behind her head, her eyes half closed, those full, sulky red lips parted. They called it Rita Hayworth, but they might as well have called it Woman in Heat." (126)

In a lot of ways, Andy's posters are the most secretive figures in the whole book. Rita's especially important because she played a lot of femme fatales in the movies—girls with secrets who were awfully dangerous when those secrets came to life. This is quite fitting considering the type of secret this poster is hiding.

Quote #5

"Andy Dufresne was his right hand in all of this, his silent partner." (227)

Take note of the use of the word "silent" here. Andy doesn't just keep secrets of his own—he keeps Warden Norton's too (and probably a lot of others we don't know about).

Quote #6

"Somewhere along the base of that wall is a rock that has no business in a Maine hayfield." (364)

In many ways, the lava rock symbolizes secrecy. The rock isn't actually talking, but it's definitely hiding something big—something that nobody sees or notices for over thirty years.