Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Secrets Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"'Wretched thing!' he grunted, and ripped the poster from the wall with a single swipe of his hand. And revealed the gaping, crumbled hole in the concrete behind it." (428-429)

As we said before, the pin-up gals have secrets of their own, which in this case happens to be the biggest secret in the whole darn book

Quote #8

"I saw him stoop, pick up a pebble and it disappeared up his sleeve. That inside sleeve-pocket is an old prison trick. Up your sleeve or just inside the cuff of your pants. " (477)

King seems to be suggesting that secrets and secrecy are a common part of daily life as a prisoner, despite the fact that you spent your entire day under the careful and corrupt watch of different guards,

Quote #9

"'I think you remember the name of the town, don't you?'" (525)

The pay-off for secrecy comes when Andy can hint to Red about where he's escaped without actually spilling the beans. Not so fast, coppers!