Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"In prison, Brooksie had been a person of some importance. He was the head librarian, an educated man. If he went to the Kittery library and asked or a job, they wouldn't give him a library card." (197)

Once again, institutionalization rears its ugly head. Prison changes those inside of it until they can't live without it, which really, really sucks. A lot.

Quote #5

"Andy smiled his small, composed smile and asked Stammas what would happen to a block of concrete if a drop of water fell on it once every year for a million years." (201)

Here's that pressure thing we talked about earlier. It takes time, but when applied, it can transform anything. Or anyone.

Quote #6

"One day in 1958 I looked at myself in a small shaving mirror I kept in my cell and saw a forty-year-old man looking back at me." (219)

It sneaks up on you, doesn't it Red? People in this story are usually unaware of how much they've changed until it's right on top of them. In this case, transformation is staring right back at Red from the mirror.