Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"He had changed, had Andy Dufresne. Suddenly, as that spring of 1963 bloomed around us, there were lines in his face and sprigs of grey showing in his hair. He had lost that little trace of a smile that always seemed to linger around his mouth." (286)

Andy's pretty immune from transformation most of the time, but when a corrupt warden promises to make your life a living hell, that'll take some steam out of your stride.

Quote #8

"On his last day he shuffled out with his head down like an old con shuffling down to the infirmary for his codeine pills." (457)

Change mostly happens slowly in Shawshank, but when Warden Norton gets what's coming to him, it all happens in less than three months. Funny how people change.

Quote #9

"Andy told me once that all of geology is the study of pressure. And time, of course." (467-468)

Behold, the agents of transformation! Helpfully made clear to us by Mr. Stephen King.