Shock Rating

Shock Rating


Believe it or not, a musical with a song titled "Touch-a Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me" is rated R for raciness. And this is still one saucy, sexed-up flick: characters have relationships with people of same genders, other genders, and other species. Characters run around in skimpy underwear. And Columbia shows her little Nells in a racy burlesque routine at the film's finale.

There's violence too, if that's more your thing. Frank hacks Eddie to death with a pickaxe offscreen, returning covered in blood. (It's a good look for him. Red is his color.) He also carves Eddie up, again offscreen, for a dinnertime feast.

And Frank whips Riff Raff, although we're not sure if that falls in the realm of violence or sexuality. Knowing Frank, it's both.