The Rocky Horror Picture Show Scene 2 Summary

  • The happy couple drives off in their car and Janet seems to have marriage on the brain.
  • Brad tries to change the subject and walks into the cemetery, one of the last places you want to propose to someone.
  • But Brad still has something to say: he loves the skillful way…that she beat the other girls to the bride's bouquet.
  • Hey, that rhymes. It's time for a song.
  • "Dammit, Janet!" Brad loves her. And he actually does propose, with a shiny little ring in a box.
  • Which she instantly drops, but Janet picks it up and puts it on.
  • They sing their love in the church, which seems to be staffed by a few dour Quakers who just stepped right out of American Gothic. These people were born with a "not interested" face.