- Janet cries with guilt over cheating on Brad.
- She ascends to the laboratory, where she finds the secret camera filming Brad's bedroom.
- On the monitor, she witnesses Brad and Frank enjoying a post-romp cigarette.
- Janet feels betrayed.
- She hears a moaning in the corner and finds Rocky hiding under a sheet.
- She rips her already-skimpy petticoat to make a bandage for Rocky's wounds.
- Looks like Janet's about to cheat on Brad yet again.
- You know, we haven't had a song in a while…
- Ah, here we go. Janet sings to Rocky about what she wants him to do: "Touch-a Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me."
- "I want to be dirty," she croons. Rocky eagerly complies, and after running from dogs, Rocky's pretty filthy, getting the dirt all over Janet's clean bra. We hope the castle has a washing machine in the basement.