'Salem's Lot Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around 'Salem's Lot? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Early in the novel, Mark Petrie defeats a bully named what?

Richie Boddin
Birdie Marsten
Attila the Hun
Royal Snow
Q. Who is Jackie Talbott?

a vampire-slayer come to destroy Barlow
the town gossip
Ben Mears' ex-wife
a waitress who is sleeping with Hank Peters
Q. Who is Doc?

Floyd Talbott's uncle
Win Purinton's dog
Susan Norton's ex-boyfriend
An anti-vampire robot that Ben and Mark build
Q. Which character is an alcoholic?

Jerusalem the pig
Bill Norton
Q. Who escapes the Lot, alive and not undead?

Susan Norton, the artist
Ruthie Crockett, the lead in the school play
Pauline Dickens, a waitress
Taylor Swift, a singer