Sarah, Plain and Tall Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

We climbed the bank and dried ourselves and lay in the grass again. The cows watched, their eyes sad in their dinner-plate faces. And I slept, dreaming a perfect dream. The fields had turned to a sea that gleamed like glass. And Sarah was happy. (6.40)

After spending a lovely day swimming with Sarah in the cow pond, the kids go home with their heads full of dreams of how life will be if Sarah decides to stay. It's definitely a charming thing to think about.

Quote #8

"Ask if she's coming back," whispered Caleb.

"Of course she's coming back," I said. "Seal is here." But I would not ask the question. I was afraid to hear the answer. (9.38-39)

Anna tries to be the strong big sister and assure Caleb that Sarah will be back, but she's secretly worried that Sarah has left, too. She doesn't want to ask if Sarah is coming back because she's afraid of having her dreams shattered.

Quote #9

"Blue," said Caleb slowly, "and gray. And green."

Sarah nodded.

Suddenly Caleb grinned.

"Papa," he called. "Papa, come quickly! Sarah has brought the sea!" (9.57-60)

Sarah still has her dreams of being by the sea, but instead of leaving the Witting family for Maine, she brings the sea to them, using colored pencils to draw the ocean and post pictures around their little home.