Shantaram Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Then one day, as I lay on my side, conserving energy and watching the birds peck for crumbs in the courtyard next to our dormitory, I was attacked by a powerful man who jumped on me and seized my throat in both of his hands.

"Mukul! Mukul, my young brother!" he growled at me in Hindi. "Mukul! The young brother you bit on his face! My brother!" (3.21.86-87)

Lin's known for his maniac actions in the prison, biting one guy's face and punching himself when he's cornered. So it's no surprise that he might offend some people. And if you've got siblings, you know that, while you might be allowed to pick on them, no one else can. He's gotten himself into the sights of a brother who wants revenge, and that's a scary place to be.

Quote #5

"You got two choices—get [...] out of town, or get some firepower on your side, like the guys at the OK Corral, you know?" (3.21.168)

Vikram is obsessed with western movies and cowboy culture, so his way of seeing the world is tinged with shootouts and gunfights. His advice to Lin, when he finally gets out of jail, is to find out who put him there and get violent, bloody revenge, like the cowboys in his favorite movies.

Quote #6

But no matter how fit I became, I knew that my mind wouldn't heal, couldn't heal, until I found out who'd arranged with the police to have me picked up and sent to Arthur Road Prison. (3.22.58)

Revenge can be sweet, but just like a delicious ice cream sandwich, if you're on a diet it can drive you crazy. Since Lin doesn't know who he's mad at, his desire for revenge can't be satisfied. It's as bad as being trapped in a donut shop with no money, or watching the last cupcakes in the vending machine get caught on a coil on its way down.