How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
In one of my earliest memories, my mother and I are on the front porch […] watching two delivery men carry our brand-new television set up the steps. (1.1)
This memory is full of foreshadowing. Television will eventually become a defining force in Dolores's life.
Quote #2
I located my mother in the bottom row of the brown-tinted portraits of the Class of 1944. […] She looked more like an old-fashioned me than she did my mother. (3.83)
At this age, Dolores doesn't quite see the similarities between herself and her mother at her age, but she'll eventually start to crave more information about her family's past.
Quote #3
[Ma] was seventeen, standing on Grandma's front porch with her friend Geneva. (9.90)
Unlike Dolores's best friend, Geneva actually is a BFF. Even though she only really knew Dolores's mom when they were younger, she eventually returns to help Dolores out in the present. That's a true blue friend for you.