How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
[Ma] is not the type to tell other people their business, men particularly. (1.2)
Ma sets a precedent for the way Dolores will act around men for most of her life. Basically, she lets them control her.
Quote #2
Across the room on the Barcalounger, my mother was having her nervous breakdown. (3.1)
Woman often had "nervous breakdowns" at this time of human history, so it's probably worth considering the fact that the majority of doctors were men.
Quote #3
"I don't have to clean toilets and fold men's undershorts for a living if I don't feel like it. That was my life for thirteen years and look where it got me." (4.19)
You go, Ma. She finally starts to stand up for herself. But Dolores already has the whole men = superior thing ingrained her in her, so this new independent-woman persona of Ma's just irritates her.