Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Lies and Deceit Quotes
"Oh, my mother works," I told Jeanette when she suggested we go over to my house instead of hers. (2.9)
Transformation Quotes
Something about Anthony Jr.'s life and death inside ma had changed her in some unfixable way. She'd grown herself a big rear end and developed an unpredictable facial twitch. (2.9)
Guilt and Blame Quotes
Ma kept crying and apologizing. (1.23)
Sexuality Quotes
When I asked my parents how the baby got inside Ma, they both laughed, and the Daddy told me they had made it with their bodies. (1.42)
Coming of Age Quotes
When I was ten and a half, my family moved to Treetop Acres. (2.1)
Memories and the Past Quotes
In one of my earliest memories, my mother and I are on the front porch […] watching two delivery men carry our brand-new television set up the steps. (1.1)
Women and Femininity Quotes
[Ma] is not the type to tell other people their business, men particularly. (1.2)
Jealousy Quotes
I wanted my father to be at home laughing with Ma on Saturday afternoons, instead of with Mrs. Masciotte. (1.38)