Ship Breaker Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Ship Breaker? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Nailer have to do to escape the oil vat he falls into?

Dive into the oil
Climb out of the tank
Break apart a duct
Follow some copper wire
Q. How do Nailer, Tool, and Nita get on the train?

They leap onto it from a bridge.
They board it with tickets.
They run alongside it and jump on.
They drop onto it from a helicopter.
Q. How does Nailer avoid his father in Orleans?

He stands behind a tall person.
He hides under the boardwalk.
He ducks into an alley.
He doesn't.
Q. What does Blue Eyes threaten Nailer with when she catches him sneaking up on her?

Loss of a hand
Loss of an eye
Q. What do Nailer and Nita need to do to survive at the end of the novel?

Gut some eels
Capture Richard Lopez
Swim for Dauntless 
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