In Silence, Father Sebastien Rodrigues is more obsessed with Judas than a disgruntled Bob Dylan fan. It's easy to understand why, though: after his former teacher has supposedly betrayed the Catholic Church, Rodrigues is left trying to make sense of the shocking turn of events. This is a big deal for a man of the faith. As Rodrigues learns more and more about Ferreira's fall from grace—and after he meets a Judas of his own in the form of an old drunk named Kichijiro—the young priest realizes that betrayal isn't the black-and-white issue he assumed it to be.
Questions About Betrayal
- Why is Rodrigues so bitter toward Kichijiro?
- In your eyes, does Ferreira betray the Church? Explain.
- Why is Rodrigues so upset by Ferreira's perceived betrayal?
- Why is Rodrigues so resistant toward apostatizing?