Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Betrayal Quotes
Valignano did not so much as utter a word about rumors that Ferreira had succumbed [...] Like us, he was loathe to attribute such fanciful charges to his old friend. (1.12)
Religion Quotes
"In that stricken land the Christians have lost their priests and are like a flock of sheep without a shepherd." (1.5)
Visions of Japan Quotes
What sweat and toil it had taken to plunge the spade into this barren soil, then to fertilize it, to cultivate it until it reached this present stage. (2.25)
Spirituality Quotes
I am always fascinated by the face of Christ just like a man fascinated by the face of his beloved. (1.50)
Suffering Quotes
The reason our religion has penetrated this territory like water flowing into dry earth is that it has given to this group of people a human warmth they never previously knew. (3.4)
Foreignness and the Other Quotes
In spite of myself I cannot help laughing when I hear the mumbling Portuguese and Latin words in the mouths of these ignorant peasants. (3.5)
Fear Quotes
But I was thinking of a more terrible fate. He had not fled. Like Judas he had gone to betray us. (2.18)
Sacrifice Quotes
But the martyrdom of the Japanese Christians I now describe to you was no such glorious thing. What a miserable and painful business it was! (4.87)