How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I am always fascinated by the face of Christ just like a man fascinated by the face of his beloved. (1.50)
Father Rodrigues frequently thinks of Jesus as if he was a friend or romantic partner—a person he has an intimate relationship with. In addition, he often gives Jesus feminine characteristics, as he does here.
Quote #2
No, Kichijiro was trying to express something different, something even more sickening. The silence of God. (4.47)
This is something that Rodrigues will understand well after spending time in Japan. This devout priest will endure things—and watch others endure even worse things—that will make him question his faith for the first time in his life.
Quote #3
This was the sea that relentlessly washed the dead bodies of Mokichi and Ichizo [...] And like the sea God was silent. (4.132)
This is what Rodrigues means when he talks about "God's silence." Rodrigues's personal sense of spirituality has always been rooted in the idea that God helps the faithful, no matter how bleak things look. That belief is being tested.