How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Valignano did not so much as utter a word about rumors that Ferreira had succumbed [...] Like us, he was loathe to attribute such fanciful charges to his old friend. (1.12)
Father Rodrigues visits Japan to learn the truth about Father Ferreira. This is a deeply personal matter for him: Ferreira had been one of his favorite teachers at the seminary. That's like graduating from medical school only to find out that all your teachers had fake PhDs.
Quote #2
Now it was clear enough Kichijiro was a Christian who had once apostatized. Eight years before, he and his whole family, all Christians, had been betrayed. (3.67)
Kichijiro seems haunted by the memory of this betrayal. This passage raises another question, however: was Kichijiro the one who ratted his family out in the first place? After all, Kichijiro proves time and time again that he isn't the most loyal fellow when things start heating up.
Quote #3
Christ wanted to save even Judas. If not, he would never have made him one of his disciples. (4.166)
As he spends more time with Kichijiro, Rodrigues begins obsessing over the relationship between Jesus and Judas, associating himself with Jesus and Kichijiro with Judas. The truth, however, is a bit more complicated.