Sixteen Candles Lust Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Sixteen Candles.

Quote #7

SAM: I mean that it's okay you did it once, I didn't mean for you to do it again!

The Geek forces himself on Sam not once, but twice. He's willing to take practically any response, even no response, has a "yes."

Quote #8

LONG DUK DONG: I've never been so happy in my whole life.

MARLENE: You maniac.

LONG DUK DONG: Now I have a place to put my hand.

There's a fine line between love and lust, but in Dong's case, these two are in different time zones. He's only in this for the sex and excitement.

Quote #9

LONG DUK DONG: Oh…no more yanky my wanky. The Donger need food!

Grandma kicks him after this, and we would too, tired of him only speaking in sexual innuendos for the whole movie.