The Sneetches' Stars
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars Upon TharsThe Sneetches' stars are a pretty in-your-face symbol. In Sneetchville, they represent difference. In Humanville, they represent discrimination. Think back t...
McBean's Machines
McBean's Ponzi Scheme MachinesDon't worry. McBean's machines aren't actually symbolic of a Ponzi scheme. We just liked the almost-rhyme. So what do they symbolize? We're going to say the mechanics...
Empty Pants
Empty Pants Seeking Pair of Legs for Long WalksThe narrator is flat-out terrified of the empty pants. (So are we, to be honest.)For starters, they are empty, are hued ghostly green, and trot about...
The Zax's Highway
Highway 61 ReroutedYou know who isn't like a rolling stone? A Zax. Both Zax, actually. The highway in "The Zax" symbolizes the nature of the world. Deep, right? But hear us out. The highway allows...