Meet the Cast
The Sneetches
The Stars AlignLet's recap. The Sneetches live on beaches and come in two varieties: those with stars on their bellies and those without. Still with us? Okay. The Sneetches with Star-Bellies are co...
Sylvester McMonkey McBean
McBean arrives at the beaches of those poor Plain-Belly Sneetches just in time—when they are feeling as lowly and small as ever. Calling himself the "Fix-it-Up Chappie" (Sneetches.30), McBean cla...
The Zax
South-Going ZaxThe South-Bound Zax is a stubborn cuss of a creature, isn't he? A graduate of South-Going School, the South-Going Zax only makes tracks in a southbound direction. When confronted wit...
Mrs. McCave and the Daves
Mrs. McCaveThis is a woman who names all twenty-three of her sons Dave. Maybe she's lazy. Although she did have twenty-three kids, so we're guessing that's not the case. Maybe she just likes the na...
"What Was I Scared Of?" Characters
NarratorOur unnamed narrator begins his story walking through the woods at night because he [has] never been afraid / Of anything" (Scared.4-5). We've got a Tough Guy on our hands.Of course, all th...