How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Raven says, "Amchitka, 1972. My father got nuked twice by you bastards."
"I understand the depth of your feelings," Hiro says. "But don't you think you've had enough revenge?"
"There's no such thing as enough," Raven says. (66.33-35)
So Raven's psycho-quest to nuke America stems from his family history. Does that mean we should give him some kind of Son of the Year award?
Quote #8
But in her heart, she's already feeling the pangs of conscience. She knows that she cannot kiss and tell on the Mafia. Not because she's afraid of them. Because they trust her. They were nice to her. (22.42)
Families are built on trust. That's one more way the Mafia is like a family (also, few people know how to manipulate you better than your family does). If you can't trust your family, who can you trust? Or, perhaps, family is whomever it is you can trust.
Quote #9
"I spent years and years finding ways to piss him off. Dated black girls. Grew my hair long. Smoked marijuana. But the capstone, my ultimate achievement—even better than having my ear pierced—was volunteering for service in Vietnam." (21.76)
Even Uncle Enzo, patriarch of the Mafia, spent his youth trying to tick off his father. Rebelling against one's parents must be universal.