How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Where you from?" Y.T. asks.
"Tadzhikistan," he says.
A jeek. She should have known. (6.96-98)
We're big Y.T. fans, but this is a pretty obvious display of prejudice on her part. Is there a "dislike" button we can hit?
Quote #5
Young men blasted out of their minds on natural and artificial male hormones must have some place to do their idiotic coming-of-age rituals. (31.5)
We bet this one slipped by you. Obvious displays of prejudice (like making fun of immigrants) are easy to spot, but the intellectual elitism that leads the smart characters to look down in stupid people? It's subtler…and perhaps more insidious.
Quote #6
One thing's for sure—this is not a delivery to be entrusted to any Kourier, any punk on a skateboard. Jason is going to trundle his Oldsmobile into Compton personally to drop this stuff off. (17.55)
Do we detect a hint of class prejudice here? Wouldn't surprise us, coming from a Mafia goon like Jason.