The Visitors
The Visitors are constructs plucked from the scientists' fantasies and dreams and memories. So guess what? They symbolize fantasies and dreams and memories.Easy enough, huh? Who said this Solaris s...
The Mimoids
The mimoids are formations thrown up by the Solaris ocean, discovered originally by Giese. As Kelvin says, the name that Giese game them "indicates their most astonishing characteristic, the imitat...
The Solarist Books
Kelvin reads a lot in Solaris. And let's face it: A lot of the books he reads are pretty boring. On and on he goes, telling us about how this Solarist thought this and that Solarist thought that, b...
The Tools
The tools? What tools? Shmoop can hear you asking. And Shmoop will explain.A long, flat box lay in the hollow at the base of the shower: I carried it into the room. As I put it down, the springlid...