Solaris Resources


Stanislaw Lem's Official Website

Web center for all things Lem, including includes news, biography, interviews, discussions of Lem's works, and more.

Stanislaw Lem Bibliography

An extensive list of Lem's works, including many links to other Lem resources.

That Genre Lem Hated

A site focused on science fiction books, including tons of reviews.


The TV Movie No One Has Heard Of

The first film version of Solaris was a two-part, black-and-white 1968 Russian television movie. It was quickly overshadowed by…

The Really Famous Movie

Tarkovsky's ridiculously long (three hours) and slow 1972 Russian film Solaris is considered one of the greatest movies ever made. It's way more famous than the book, which is maybe why Lem resented it.

The George Clooney Movie

This 2002 remake of the Tarkovsky film is only ninety minutes long—so short, right? It impressed no one in particular, but it did have George Clooney in it.


Everything You Wanted to Know About Lem, Or At Least Many Things

A long essay about Lem and Solaris.

"Writing for me is drudgery. Hard labor."

A lengthy 1981 interview with Lem.

Lem is Dead, Long Live Lem

Lem's 2006 obituary in the New York Times.

The Boring Artificiality of Solaris

This is focused on the Tarkovsky film, but it touches on many themes in the book. Yes, boredom is a theme. Click the link to find out whether you are bored or fascinated by boredom.


Lady Gaga Reads from Solaris.

Here's a link you probably weren't expecting to see, huh?

Hey There, Ocean

A clip from the 1972 Tarkovsky film.

Stanislaw Lem Google Doodle

Yep—Google made a doodle honoring Stanislaw Lem. It has robots and aliens.

Solaris Sync Up

You know the whole Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz sync up trick? Well, apparently a band called the Lightning Bug Situation put out an album… that syncs up with the 1972 Solaris movie. Get ready to have your mind blown.


Solaris Versus Solaris: To the Death

A film critic compares the Tarkovsky film to the one with Clooney in it.

The Sounds of Solaris

Broadcast of Ben Frost and Daníel Bjarnason's symphonic suite "Solaris," inspired by Tarkovsky's film.


Brain in Space

There are some awesome book covers for Solaris, but this one may be our favorite.

In The Future, We'll All Look In Some Mirrors, Okay?

A still from Tarkovsky's 1972 film.

Mission to the Planet of Giant Authors

Stanislaw Lem and a miniature visitor.