Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Solaris.
Exploration Quotes
I had missed the precious moment when the planet first came into view. (1.15)
Foreignness and the Other Quotes
"I don't know you…" His voice croaked. "I don't know you… What do you want?" (1.37)
Identity Quotes
"Do you know Sartorius?'"In the same way as I know you—only from the photographs." (1.90-91)
Isolation Quotes
This was it, the descent. If I had not seen the figures racing across the dial, I would not have noticed the change in direction. I could hear my heart thudding heavily. I could feel the coolness f...
Memory and the Past Quotes
For a fraction of a second, my throat tightened and I thought longingly of the Prometheus and its strict discipline; the memory of an existence which suddenly seemed a happy one, now gone forever....
Religion Quotes
Compared with the proliferation of speculative ideas which were triggered off by this problem, medieval scholasticism seemed a model of scientific enlightenment. (2.33)
Science Quotes
At that time the Gamow-Shapley theory—that life was impossible on planets which are satellites of two solar bodies—was firmly believed. (2.11)
Versions of Reality Quotes
"Mad! Good God!" He tried to smile. "But you haven't understood a thing, not a single thing. He never for one moment thought that he was mad. If he had he would never have done it. He would still b...