Special Relativity Quiz True or False

1. 1) According to Michelson and Morley, the speed of light: -> moves relative to the ether
2. 2) Gaspard tries to catch up to us as we continue running at a velocity of 0.1 mile per minute. His velocity relative to the ground is 2 \; \mathrm{\frac{m}{s}. What velocity are we running at from his frame of reference? ->
3. Gaspard covers 1 mile in 5 minutes. What velocity is he running at from our frame of reference running at 0.1 miles per minute still in the same direction? ->
4. Once again, you embark on the spaceship from Planet of the Apes, which travels at a speed of 0.9999837c and spends 10 years exploring space but never comes back home. What distance did you travel according to Earth? -> 9.46 × 108 m
5. Andromeda is our closest neighboring galaxy, located at 45,000 light years from Earth. Knowing that 1 light year is defined as the distance light travels in exactly 1 year, which of the following statement is false? -> The distance to Andromeda is dependent on an observer's frame of reference.
6. Two UFOs fly at a relativistic speed of v = 0.8c relative to the ground and approach a farm from opposite directions. How fast do the UFOs fly relative to each other? -> 0.98c
7. We're traveling at light speed and hold a mirror in front of our face. What do e see? -> Our face distorted with your features pulled back
8. Two events have coordinates s1 = (1, 0, 0, 2) and s2 = (2, 0, 0, 1). What can be said about the events? -> The events are causally connected.
9. Two events have coordinates s1 = (1, 0, 0, 2) and s2 = (1, 0, 0, 1). What can be said about the events? -> Event 1 occurred before event 2.
10. What would be a theoretical consequence of traveling faster than the speed of light? -> Since information travels at the speed of light, we could never alter the past.
