Spinal Tap Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Does the mockumentary format keep the audience from investing in the characters as strongly as if it were done as a straight narrative?
  2. There are dozens of scenes that do absolutely nothing to move the plot (what little plot there is, anyway) forward. Are these scenes unnecessary distractions, or would the quality of the film be diminished without them?
  3. Are we supposed to feel bad for these characters as they watch their fame and popularity wane, or are we supposed to be happy that they're getting their comeuppance?
  4. Would the movie have been as successful if it had been focused around a boy band, or a country music trio?
  5. Some of their lyrics are a bit offensive, but you know what? Some of their songs aren't half-bad. Do you think Spinal Tap could have succeeded as an actual rock group? (Yeah, it's true the actors have since toured as Spinal Tap, but what if there had been no movie, and the band actually took itself seriously?)
  6. David and Nigel are uber-arrogant. Does that arrogance contribute to the level of success they've been able to achieve? Does it hinder them from becoming something even greater?
  7. How much of the movie would you guess is scripted, and how much would you guess is improvised?