Spinal Tap Resources

The name says it all. Here you can find the band's discography, the film script, merchandise, book and record store, and more. Not to be confused with BIGspinaltapfan.com, which is a site for people who are really into the medical procedure.

Images, videos, polls and links. Plus, an actual lock of Michael McKean's hair. (That might be a lie.)

The reviews are 95% "Fresh" on Rotten Tomatoes.
Book or TV Adaptations

It's not really an adaptation—more just a biography of the group. And it's written by the guy who runs SpinalTapFan.com, so you know he's obsessed.
Articles and Interviews

Four stars out of four stars. The legend knows his movies.

You know what we want. You know what we need. Or maybe you don't. Do we have to come right fat out and tell you everything?

That was the name of one of Christopher Guest's bands. Seriously. "Spinal Tap" seems tame by comparison. Here's an article about the actors' real musical backgrounds and how Spinal Tap came to be.

Rolling Stone feels the love on the 30th anniversary of the film's release.

Even the stodgy New York Times loved the film.

The year is 2007, and the band is still rockin'.

The classic tune in its entirety. Enjoy. Or don't. We're too rock and roll to care.

Watching this trailer just made us want to see it again.

The band making their rock star faces. Zoolander could pick up a few tips.

So does Nigel's IQ, if we had to guess.

It must have been windy at this photo shoot.

The members of the band, all still alive and kicking. Kicking butt. Do you think they've aged well?

That "goes to 11" has entered the popular imagination.