Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

Quote #7

AZETBUR: War is obsolete, General. As we are in danger of becoming.

Azetbur doesn't see the value of war. Good for her. Like her father, her main concern is establishing a safe future for her people, even if that future is vastly different from the reality they currently know.

Quote #8

KIRK: Who is "us?"

VALERIS: Everyone who stands to lose from peace.

Sadly, there are plenty of people who profit from war—even (especially?) here in the real world. It's just that there are fewer laser beams here on Earth, which is one plus. Besides that, however, the rule holds true.

Quote #9

KIRK: Peace is worth a few personal risks.

That's a far cry from describing Klingons as untrustworthy animals, huh? Through the example of Gorkon, Kirk has learned that the prejudices inspired by war aren't actually based on reality. To cling to such outdated mindsets is to make peace impossible.