Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Scene 16 Summary

  • Uhura and Chekov are walking along the beach when they see a giant naval carrier. Chekov contacts Kirk and tells him the good news.
  • Here's some even better news: the naval vessel is called Enterprise.
  • The plan is to beam inside, grab the photons, and leave before anyone knows what's up. Sounds easy enough.
  • As Kirk and Spock stroll, a blue truck approaches. It's Gillian. Kirk flirts for a bit until she offers them a ride. That's that classic Kirk charm we've heard all about.
  • Gillian asks what Spock and Kirk were doing at the tank. Kirk responds by asking her what will happen when they release the whales.
  • Sadly, Gillian says that the whales will have to "take their chances." Then she brings up the extinction comment, observing that Spock used the past tense. Observant.
  • Spock's response is strange; he says, "Gracie is pregnant." Gillian hits the brakes and turns to him. How could he possibly know that?
  • Kirk says that isn't important. He can't tell Gillian where they're from, but he promises that they're here to help. Of course, he just has to invite her out to dinner as well. Because he's Kirk, you know?