Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Scene 2 Summary

  • We cut to Starfleet HQ on Earth. A council is watching a video that shows a group of Klingons creeping aboard Enterprise before the ship suddenly explodes.
  • (In case you're confused, this is what happens at the end of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.)
  • When the video cuts to a shot of Admiral James T. Kirk, a Klingon representative pauses it. He angrily calls Kirk "the quintessential devil in these matters," which is an amazing insult.
  • Even worse, the Klingon calls Kirk a "terrorist." He claims that Kirk is responsible for the murder of that crew, as well as the subsequent theft of their ship.
  • The ambassador accuses the United Federation of Planets of instigating a conspiracy by simultaneously making a treaty with the Klingons and subverting it through Kirk.
  • The Klingon talks about the Genesis Project, which is another bit from The Search for Spock. All you need to know is that he sees this as part of the conspiracy. Also, chemtrails, anyone?
  • Finally, the Klingon gets to his point: Kirk must be extradited to the Klingon Empire for punishment.
  • Someone speaks up in opposition. This person calls Klingon justice "a unique point of view."
  • The speaker approaches the front of the room. It's Sarek, Spock's father.
  • Sarek says that the Klingon is full of it. The Genesis Project wasn't a weapon: it was used to create life. Just look at the name. Duh.
  • Sarek also says that the Klingons attacked Enterprise first. The ambassador responds by calling Sarek an "intellectual puppet"—and now we feel like we're watching Alex Jones' radio show.
  • Sarek continues. The Klingons attacked another Federation ship. They killed Kirk's son. Isn't self-defense justified in that case?
  • The president of the council interrupts. Kirk will be charged with "nine violations of Starfleet regulations," but nobody is getting extradited anywhere.
  • The Klingon ambassador gets all fire and brimstone, saying that there will be no peace as long as Kirk is alive. He peaces out.